HTML5 and JavaScript Game Development Competition in just 13 kB

Don't let your dreams be memes

(This program uses "gaze controls", which is a fancy way of saying, "stare at a button to press it".)

This is a game of life. Not Conway's. A difficult one.


After you've *lost* all your savings, take a moment to reflect on your life choices. Are you using your time wisely? Do you take anything for granted? Are you a disappointing husband? A disappointed father?

Is there no escape?

Categories: a-frame

Feedback from the judges

Diego Marcos: Slot Machine simulation. Graphically is interesting but the game play is too simple and not taking advantage of VR

Jupiter Hadley: Really meaningful little game. The look of the fruit is super nice.

Ada Rose Edwards: Aesthetically looked really great, animations were really smooth. Unfortunately it did not make good use of having 3 dimensions.
